Digital marketing is a very effective way to attract new and engaged visitors to your website, and to convert them into loyal customers. For it to be truly effective, you need to be able to measure the results.

Following this three step process will help you to track and measure the success of your SEO strategy and the ROI of your digital marketing campaign.

Step 1 - Set Effective SEO Goals

It’s impossible to track success if you don't know what it looks like. So the first step is to set goals for your campaign that are measurable, realistic and time-limited. You might choose to set your goals for a month, a quarter or the entire year, or for the duration of a specific digital marketing campaign. You will probably want to track the ranking of your pages on the major search engines, e.g. Google, and most people will set goals relating to the number of visitors who are brought to the website through SEO. This is the simplest way to see if your SEO efforts have been successful.

There are a number of other SEO metrics too that can help you to keep track of your site’s progress, including engagement metrics which measures the time that your visitors spend on a specific page, and the number of pages they view during their visit. The aim should be to keep your visitors engaged on your site for as long as possible - the longer you can keep your visitors on your site, the more likely they are to convert.

Tracking scroll depth can provide useful information about your site visitors’ interaction with your site - it reveals if visitors are seeing the important content on a page, e.g. signup forms, contact information, and product pricing.

Setting effective SEO goals in connection with the desired actions to be taken by your visitors will reveal your conversion rate which will, in turn, enable you to calculate the ROI on your SEO campaign. .

Step 2 - Measure your Statistics

You can track many statistics through Google's free suite of tools, including Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

Google Search Console enables you to monitor keywords that your content is ranking for, the position that it appears in the search engine rankings, and the number of impressions and clicks that each page receives.

Google Analytics can be used to set up goals for the objectives you identified in Step 1. For instance, if your objective is for visitors to click through to a second page, you can set this up as a goal and see the results in your reports.

It’s also possible to use Google Analytics to monitor Scroll Depth and Time on Page to reveal how engaged your visitors are once they arrive on your site. If they are bouncing back to the search engine results page you can tweak your campaign until you attain the desired results.

Step 3 - Assess and Make Changes

Use the information attained through Steps 1 and 2 to assess the results of your digital marketing campaign and to make any necessary adjustments, e.g. add new keywords to existing content to generate additional traffic, move important content higher up the page so that your visitors see it sooner.

Search Engine Optimisation is a continual process so once you’ve made the necessary changes, you can set new SEO goals for the next period.

Emilia Clarke
Achieved amazing results for my business. We have tried other companies in the past, but by far seen the best response with Louie. Great to work with too
Erin Kefford
Riverstone Vet
Emilia Clarke
Louie from Digital Presence has been lovely to work with. He always answers his phone and always get back to you in time. Since hiring Digital Presence I have improved my online presence and do get more phone call/leads. Highly recommended.
Owaiiz Shah
Emilia Clarke
The team at Digital Presence have been fantastic for our business. They have been very supportive, flexible & thorough. They have really personalised the experience and delivered some great results. Definitely recommend!
Russell McMellon
Emilia Clarke
Digital Presence has gone above and beyond to get my company ranked on google. We have worked with 3+ digital marketing companies in the past and not a single one delivered close to what was promised… With Digital Presence we received more than we were promised earlier than expected. I highly recommend them to anyone looking to increase their lead generation process
Zyran Erasmus
Emilia Clarke
Working with Louie on some joint projects and it’s been a great experience. Very happy to recommend.
Denis Ledwidge
Emilia Clarke
Positive: Professionalism, Quality Louie is always fast at responding to me. Def felt the impact of using his business. Very friendly and approachable and you are always talking to the same person. Also always follows up with monthly reviews.
Liarne Henry
K9 Trainer
Emilia Clarke
Louie and the team at Digital Presence are fantastic to work with. We have seens a lift in rankings and more importantly, LEADS, within a month! They are a true partner and are willing to offer value well beyond the scope of work. Highly recommended to any business looking for a reliable SEO agency that delivers.
Luc Devoto
Emilia Clarke
Ninety five percent of the SEO companies out there do just enough work to keep you paying your monthly fee, they confuse you with terms and make you believe that what they are doing is working. You are just a Number ! Digital Presence take the time to explain what they are doing, in the monthly meetings look at the analytics and identify things that could be improved. Recently when a mistake had been made by a third party to the website, they went above and beyond and sorted it out. You are not just a number they are a partner in your business.
Chris Lamb
The Exhibit Company
Emilia Clarke
Sometimes you meet someone and you just know that you’ll do great things together. This is what happened when I met Olga and Louie from Digital Presence. They are sincere with a high level of integrity. They do not only have great SEO knowledge and skills, but also communicate in simple and clear language. They are responsive and always focused on finding the best SEO solution for their customers.
Sonja van den Bosch
Twinlife Marketing
Emilia Clarke
We have used Digital Presence to increase the visibility on social media of an event we were running and they have been able to sky-rocket the number of impressions and click through to our website. They are very professional and knowledgeable I’d recommend them 100% and will use them again as they are able to provide value for money with a friendly approach!
Stefano Bianchini
Emilia Clarke
The Digital Presence team has done an amazing job for our event marketing. Through their clever SEO strategy they managed to get our event page as high as 3rd place on Google search result page 1, and all of that within a couple of weeks. I’m sure Olga and the team are some sort of SEO wizards that I highly recommend should you ever need to see your company on Google Page 1.
Jens Pistorius
Emilia Clarke
Olga and the team are highly knowledgeable when it comes to SEO and digital marketing, not to mention they are the friendliest people around. Would recommend their services to anyone who wants an SEO manager that is accountable and will keep them up to date with results.
Declan Burton-Clark
Emilia Clarke
Digital Presence Solutions deliver ! In an industry where there is a lot of competition and it can be hard to determine who to choose for your SEO marketing, DPS are an absolute standout. We have experienced incredible results for our business through the SEO work of the DPS team. As a bonus to their great results, they also provide fantastic service & support. I highly recommend them!
Dave Cowling
Louie and his team has provided great support to our marketing strategy. Through their involvement, we have seen tangible benefits flow through with an increase in our profile in the market.
Alan Lee
Greenwich Capital
Best investment made. ROAS 1:20 in Google Ads, I’ve never experienced anything like this before. Louie and his team at Digital Presence know their stuff
Fraser Thomson
Sanitiser Solutions Australia

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